The space of our body has many layers and in addition to the physical body it includes the emotional, mental and spiritual body. All these spheres within us are intertwined. They are interconnected, and a change in one of them is immediately reflected in the others.
The space outside of us is the space that surrounds us. It is the space we live in and it has an impact on all our bodies/layers.
From this knowledge of the interaction of all these physical and metaphysical spheres came the knowledge of the holistic way of life. This knowledge was called Feng Shui and Chinese Traditional Medicine in ancient China, and Vastu and Ayurveda in India. Part of this knowledge has been preserved in all parts of the world, so in Europe we can see the remnants of this knowledge in the art of building with natural materials, in biodynamic agriculture, in recognizing medical plants and making medical preparations from them.
This Knowledge is not the property of just one society or one civilization,
it belongs to all mankind.
But the transmission of this Knowledge has not always flowed smoothly and that is why its fragments have been preserved in different places and different cultures.
I made my first contact with this Knowledge through Feng Shui. It includes several different schools, which complement each other. One of them is the Landscape School. Landscape School analyzes the space that surrounds us and places the person observing that space in the centre of that space.
The centre is the most important direction in Feng Shui.
It is a space where we meet ourselves,
it is the space from which we move and act.
So basically, each person is a center of its own world. Other directions exist only in relation to the center. Different directions intersect in it.
When we stop in peace and become aware of our own center space, then the first two directions are naturally imposed on us: in front and behind.
This happens because all our senses are located in the front of the body and give us a forward direction. What is in front of us is what we see and what we are moving towards. Unlike in the front of the body, we have no control behind our back, we can’t see what’s going on there. Behind our back, we’re most vulnerable and exposed if we don’t protect ourselves.
While in front of us is a space where we can move towards/around, where we can realize our ideas and be creative, behind us is a space where we are not protected. So we need protection there. That is why Feng Shui recognizes powerful natural phenomena, which can provide us protection. A mountain, a hill, a solid rock or a mighty tree is what we can lean on and what gives us a solid protection or at least a feeling of protection behind our back. Whereas the wide space that opens up in front of us, like a valley, is a space we can descend into, it is a place to meet other beings.
In addition to the dimension of space, we can connect these two directions with the dimension of time.
What lies ahead of us, we can connect with the future, while what is behind, it is connected with the past - we have passed it. So our body is not only the boundary between the space in front and behind, but it is also the boundary between the past and the future.
These analogies are also used by systemic constellations.
They connect the space behind us with our ancestors,
while the space in front of us connects us with our descendants.
It is interesting that Feng Shui also calls the concept of the mountains behind our back "ancestors' mountains" because ancestors are the ones who give us protection and support. The series of ancestors behind our back represents the strong accumulated energy that leads to us. Like a mountain, it protects our backs and supports our kidneys.
If there are no natural formations like mountains or hills that would give us protection in the space that surrounds us, then we can build it ourselves. Equally, if we do not feel supported by our ancestors, then we can resort to techniques that help us heal those relationships and consciously build our own safe haven.