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Essay on your natal chart or transits created by me includes:

  1. a PDF-booklet 

  2. a talk - online or in in person

If you are located in Vienna, PDF-booklet is printed in color and talk can be in person.

Subsequent talks are possible. 

I noticed that people often do not live their identity, the Wholeness of what they really are.  Instead they emphasise only some aspects of their personality. Of course this can lead, and often it indeed does, to a disbalance of personality.

This is why i in my essays put the focus on balancing different aspects of personality with a personal identity. I try to make analysis and synthesis of our different and often contradictory aspects one. So I create ways of harmonizing our aspects.

It is not about "what do the stars plan for me". It is about what You can do to create your own future.

The future is not fixed, but rather we create it through our habits and thoughts, being more or less aware of what consequences it will bring. Often also unaware.

This is why my approach is to show you what challenges are in front of you, and what is your current situation. So that you know from where you start and where do you go. I am just helping to return the power of stars back to you.

Especially recommended for all who feel they need to make a change in life.

Distillation of cosmic alchemy 

into a balanced perspective.

"Ich mache Horoskopberechnungen, um dem psychologischen Wahrheitsgehalt auf die Spur zu kommen"
Carl Jung

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